Soul Ridge Farm
Courage Amaro Hayakaze
* Palomino Mare born in 2020
* Height: 15.2hh
* Sire: Metistar Taj*Mahal Amaro
* Dam: Canadream Rubi A-Lucky-Day
* Quiet, gentle temperament
* Green broke to ride walk/trot/canter
* Comfortable trot to ride, uphill canter
* In foal with her first foal for spring 2025
Vanroyal Dokai Juno
* 2022 Palomino mare
* expected to mature 14.2hh
* Cute mover
* Pretty mare with lovely feet
Light Speed Jetson Pebbles
2004 black mare
14.3hh with strong balanced conformation
calm disposition that she seems to pass on to her foals
Mirkwood Acres Dante Jenesis
* bay mare born 2022
* expected to mature 14.2hh
* Sensible, responsive, intelligent, willing
* easy start under saddle walk/trot/lope
* comfortable, balanced, uphill, smooth gaits
Woodmont Athelstan Daylite
* Born 2016, Jet black in colour
* Approximately 16hh and very well built
* Proven broodmare who has produced very nice tempered foals
* Green broke to ride walk/trot/canter with a quiet temperament
* Uphill and smooth mover
Reindance Amaro Halo #15053
* 2020 palomino mare 14hh
* Well started under saddle with a willing attitude
* Nice gaits, works off her hind end and natural lateral work
* Lovely hip, straight legs, great feet
* Grand daughter of our stallion, Lambert Lambert Taj*Mahal
Yvalbe Fablo-ll Sigee " Sophie" #11599
* 2006 bay mare 15.3hh
* Broke to ride, trails and arena
* Proven broodmare who produces foals superior to herself
* Exceptional feet
* 3 good, balanced, easy to ride gaits
Lambert Lambert Willow #12959
* 2009 colour tested Smokey Black mare
* Correct legs/great feet, calm disposition
* approximately 15hh
* Full sibling to our palomino stallion, Lambert Lambert Taj*Mahal
At Soul Ridge Farm, We take great pride in our mares. In many ways they are the foundation of our breed. Mares that we breed need to be of sound mind and body and prove their aptitude and willingness to work. They need to be enjoyable horses to ride. Then they need to be easy to breed, easy foalers, and good mothers.
Du Pas-sage Stravansky Electra #14408
* 2017 bay mare, 16.1hh
* calm, friendly, personable nature
* ridden a few times, but an injury as a yearling has left her as a career broodmare only
* warmblood type floating movement
* Proven producer of correct, floaty-moving foals with calm, friendly temperaments
Willowview Dawn Phara #10759
* 2004 Black mare 15.2hh
* Gorgeous build and longevity
* Balanced mover
* Friendly personality
* Proven producer of beautiful, friendly, trainable foals
Soul Ridge Taj*Mahal Limerick
* 2024 bay filly
* expected to mature 15.1-15.2hh
* Stunning natural presence
* extremely smart, and willing
* Great comformation and beautiful mover
LDR Poncho Twilight #13975
* 2007 Black mare 15.2hh
* Proven producer of correct, trainable foals
* solid, strong mare
Beckett's Creek Gamin Nellie (aka Duchess)
* 2003 Black mare, 16hh
* Lovely riding horse both trails and arena
* Proven producer of good quality, highly trainable offspring
* 1st daughter jumped and showed up to 4ft
Cascades Gap Penny
2004 Black mare, approximately 14.2hh
Career broodmare and proven producer of very beautiful, intelligent and trainable offspring
Pineview Alf LIberty #9187
* 2001 bay Mare 15hh
* Amazing career broodmare
* Excellent feet and legs
* Has produced many offspring who are excelling under saddle and driving
* proven producer of correct, intelligent, easy to work with offspring
Soul Ridge Taj*Mahal Lucy
* 2024 chestnut filly
* expected to mature 15-15.1hh
* Balanced, rhythmical mover
* calm, intelligent, friendly temperament
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